Monday, July 4, 2011

Boomerangs Make Snap Decisions Well

Or not. And if I'm being honest with you I probably shouldn't be posting anything about this, for fear of it hurting future chances of employment. Or not.

It has at this point, I feel, been established that I have two part-time jobs. Now I have one. Today is the Fourth of July and seeing as I am an apple pie-loving, baseball-watching, farmer-tanned, red-blooded American, who woke up with two jobs, I went to work. As I'm driving on back roads to avoid all the parade routes and pedestrians who are having fun and not being safe near moving vehicles I pick up my beeping phone. My job had called.

Apparently I was late. The girl who had given me my schedule last week had messed up and I was supposed to be at work at 12:15 PM not 2:15 PM. I call work back and explain the mistake, tell them I'm on my way, I'll be there in 20 minutes. The response back was an unpleasant "We'll discuss it when you get here." So my mood, already low, is soured. I am one of the people who 97% of the time is punctual and the other 3% is with 15 minutes and I felt bad for being an hour late but am a good worker bee and would make up the hour I missed at the beginning of my shift by staying late.

At some point someone blabbed over the headset that all the breaks were done. I pointed out that despite being late, even if I didn't make up any of the time I had missed at the beginning of my shift that I worked a long enough shift to require a break. No one responded and I didn't get a break.

But more unhappy things are going down, the manager took the day off but all the lower management is in the store most of whom are acting as if they own us. I hear from one of my co-workers (the newest sales lead at that) that after I called in there was a little chat about me lying. Which is funny because I'm a horrible liar so I stick to telling the truth like nobody should and that is one of the reasons there are a few people who do not like me at the store I work(ed) in. Some funny things went down with my numbers from yesterday, petty stuff. But petty stuff is becoming a problem so I made comment to the Co-Manager (fancy name for crazy assistant manager who calls you at all hours of the night drunk) about the changing of numbers and accusations of lying and she assured me that they would have chats.

And I can only imagine what chats were had.

So I'm folding tables, because people shopping on holidays are absolute pigs, and up storm to me eyes blood shot and voice in that strange raised whisper (didn't stay low for long either) and then:

Her: "Just so you're not made at me I gave you that card* under your number!"
Me (and I'm seething that this is happening so my left eye is rolling around in my head) "Good. Because it's mine."
Her (yelling)"Blah, Blah, Blah, It's mine. Blah, Blah, Blah, I didn't change the numbers."
Me: "So after last night K******* came in and changed the numbers?"
Her: "I don't know who changed the fucking numbers, I don't give a flying fuck about the cards (out right lie) something something fucking something blah blah blah. Next time you can fucking walk out."
At this point I've stopped being calm and started handling things badly. I've thrown a sweater in this woman's face (zing!), taken off my holiday apron which held my walkie-talkie and chucked on to a not so near by table and stormed out.

Embarrassingly I had to go back to get my purse. I slammed my locker, but didn't talk to anyone. And now I have one job.

Future employers who may read this don't hold this against me, just know that I will not take it. Fair is fair, professional is professional and I am not a liar.

Also, walking out was the best thing I've done in a long while.

*Credit Cards are the main thing that goes in our performance review, the problem is there are a few people who take credit for cards when other people "sell" them. The day before this happened I had "sold" a card to a customer who had said she wasn't interested initially (thus my card as it has been discussed many many many times). The lady who would confront me later believed that I had given it to her, so when she found out I hadn't she flipped out on the only other manager working, who is not the manager. This morning I came in and found the official numbers changed. I don't care about the cards so much as I care about the sneakiness and lying.

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